Publications and conferences
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Nota, N., Trujillo, J. P., Jacobs, V. & Holler, J. (2023). Facilitating question identification through natural intensity eyebrow movements in virtual avatars. Scientific Reports, 13, 21295.
Nota, N., Trujillo, J. P. & Holler, J. (2023), Conversational Eyebrow Frowns Facilitate Question Identification: An Online Study Using Virtual Avatars. Cognitive Science, 47, e13392.
Nota, N., Trujillo, J. P., & Holler, J. (2023). Specific facial signals associate with categories of social actions conveyed through questions. PloS one, 18(7), e0288104.
Nota, N., Trujillo, J. P., & Holler, J. (2021). Facial Signals and Social Actions in Multimodal Face-to-Face Interaction. Brain Sciences, 11(8), 1017.
Bosma, E., & Nota, N. (2020). Cognate facilitation in Frisian-Dutch bilingual children’s sentence reading: An eye-tracking study. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 189, 104699.
Nota, N., Trujillo, J. P., & Holler, J. (2022). Specific facial signals associate with categories of social actions conveyed through questions. PsyArXiv.
Nota, N., Trujillo, J. P., & Holler, J. (2022). Conversational eyebrow frowns facilitate question identification: An online VR study. PsyArXiv.
Nota, N.*, Trujillo, J. P.*, & Holler, J. (in preparation). Detecting facial signals in conversational corpora using OpenFace: Challenges and recommendations.
Doctoral dissertation
Nota, N. (2023). Talking faces: The contribution of conversational facial signals to language use and processing (Doctoral dissertation). Radboud University Nijmegen.
Conference presentations
Swanson, M.*, Nota, N.*, Amos, R., Corps, R., Hadley, V. L. Naylor, G., & Pickering, J. M. (2024). Examining sentence prediction with accented speech using the visual-world paradigm. Poster presented at the Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing conference (AMLaP 2024). Edinburgh, UK. 2024-09-05 – 2024-09-07.
Nota, N., Corps, R., Hadley, V. L. Naylor, G., & Pickering, J. M. (2024). The effect of cognitive load on different stages of language prediction: a visual-world eye-tracking study. Poster presented at the Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing conference (AMLaP 2024). Edinburgh, UK. 2024-09-05 – 2024-09-07.
Nota, N., Corps, R., Hadley, V. L. Naylor, G., & Pickering, J. M. (2024). The effect of cognitive load on different stages of language prediction: a visual-world eye-tracking study. Poster presented at the PPLS Research Day. Edinburgh, UK. 2024-06-13.
Nota, N., Trujillo, J. P., & Holler, J. (2022). Conversational eyebrow frowns facilitate question identification: An online VR study. Talk presented at the 9th International Society for Gesture Studies conference (ISGS 2022). Chicago, US. 2022-07-12 – 2022-07-15.
Nota, N., Trujillo, J. P., & Holler, J. (2022). Conversational eyebrow frowns facilitate question identification: An online VR study. Poster presented at the 3rd International Max Planck Research School for Language Sciences conference (IMPRS 2022). Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 2022-06-01 – 2022-06-03.
Nota, N., Trujillo, J. P., & Holler, J. (2022). Conversational eyebrow frowns facilitate question identification: An online VR study. Poster presented at the 18th Dutch Society for Brain and Cognition conference (NVP 2022). Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands. 2022-04-28 – 2022-04-30.
Nota, N., Trujillo, J. P., & Holler, J. (2022). Specific facial signals associate with subcategories of social actions conveyed through questions. Poster presented at the Face2face: advancing the science of social interaction Royal Society London discussion meeting. Online. 2022-04-04 – 2022-04-05.
Nota, N., Trujillo, J. P., & Holler, J. (2022). Specific facial signals associate with subcategories of social actions conveyed through questions. Poster presented at the Donders Poster Sessions 2022. Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 2022-03-17.
Nota, N., Trujillo, J. P., & Holler, J. (2021). Facial signals and social actions in multimodal face-to-face interaction. Poster presented at the 4th Experimental Pragmatics in Italy conference ( 2021). Online. 2021-07-08 – 2021-07-09. Poster
Nota, N., & Bosma, E. (2018). The effect of bilingualism on reading. Gradual cognate effects in Frisian-Dutch bilingual children, an eye-tracking study. Poster presented at the Donders Poster Sessions 2018. Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 2018-12-20.
Bosma, E., & Nota, N. (2018). The effect of bilingualism on Frisian-Dutch bilingual children’s reading: An eye-tracking study. Talk presented at the Exploring the Lexicon of Bilingual and Plurilingual Learners: Lexical Availability and Vocabulary Acquisition conference (Dispolexia 2018). Logroño, Spain. 2018-10-04 – 2018-10-05.
Nota, N., & Bosma, E. (2018). The effect of bilingualism on reading. Gradual cognate effects in Frisian-Dutch bilingual children, an eye-tracking study. Poster presented at the Crossing the Borders conference (CTB 2018). Potsdam, Germany. 2018-09-27 – 2018-09-29.
Nota, N., & Bosma, E. (2018). The effect of bilingualism on reading. Gradual cognate effects in Frisian-Dutch bilingual children, an eye-tracking study. Poster presented at Psycholinguistics in Flanders conference (PIF 2018). Ghent, Belgium. 2018-06-4 – 2018-06-5.
Nota, N., & Bosma, E. (2018). The effect of bilingualism on reading. Gradual cognate effects in Frisian-Dutch bilingual children, an eye-tracking study. Talk presented at the 12th T.W.I.S.T. Student Conference for Linguistics. Leiden, The Netherlands. 2018-04-13 - 2018-04-14.